04 September 2006 It seems that I am back, I have been away, returned home, shaved off my holiday beard (some undertaking), moved flats (8 trips in a Ford Ka). And finally I am connected back on to the internet, on a broadband connection, that is a mere 100 times slower than the University connection we had in our previous flat, although it is an improvement over the last two weeks on 56k dial up.
So, I am not sure if much else of excitement has been happening, I have been back at work, definitely lacking in something and done pretty much bugger all else other than unpacking boxes.
I have bought us a fancy wireless router for our network, so now I can read my emails throughout the whole flat, something I am sure that everybody should be able to do.
Nicola and I have been giving some thought to a date when we should hold a certain event, we have had the 2007 diary out and have been crossing out dates, so if anybody has any objections to certain dates then they had better let us know soon. As we want to get married in Edinburgh, that means that anytime in August is pretty much out. Anyway we have the vague notion of sometime in September, although as yet nothing is planned or in anyway definite. Add Comment |