Welcome to the page of noise, below you will find images with noises linked to them, which may be exciting or something a bit like that perhaps or not. There are also some links to sounds without pictures, mostly because I haven't yet found the ideal representation, but images will probably appear very soon.
A spud. |
Hello Indeed |
Arrrg! |
Mooo! |
Who will we be meeting next? | Oh Dear, how ghastly |
eh? | Ummm, indeed. | Oi! |
Bleugh!! | Jings! |
We Are On Our Way |
All content created by (Andrew at andyindeed dot com) using xemacs text editor, PHP and Apache
Last Updated on Thursday 08 March 2012, at 15:16
Today is: Wednesday 22 January 2025, the time is: 11:14